Our Values
IndiNature’s Vision, Mission & Principles
A natural industrial revolution creating global positive impacts on the climate, communities and the environment.
To innovate and manufacture bio-based construction systems on an industrial scale.

Deep Green Principles
Our products reflect our values
Saving heating energy is great - but we believe true sustainable buildings do much more than merely lower operational carbon.
Truly sustainable buildings should also consider environmental impacts, embodied carbon, adaptation and health. These are what we call our Deep Green Principles:
Fabric First
Prioritise insulation, specialised materials, air tightness and good design
Limit high carbon, energy intensive technological solutions for heating, cooling and air quality. Smart materials like IndiBreathe® can regulate these passively
Emphasise high quality and detailing
Climate Crisis Mitigation
Minimise cradle-to-cradle carbon.
Minimise carbon embodied in materials (harvesting, manufacturing, transport)
Sequester carbon efficiently in materials (e.g. fast growing hemp captures carbon at 5x the rate of timber per hectare)
Use locally sourced materials
Minimise carbon in operations
Minimise carbon at end of life (avoid landfill or energy intensive recycling)
Climate Crisis Adaptation
Adapt to increasing trend of overheating (with smart materials which store excess heat in the day - and release at night - like our smart IndiBreathe® system, rather than air conditioning)
Adapt to heavy rain and flooding - in buildings and in resilient crops like hemp
Circular by Design
Minimise cradle-to-cradle environmental impacts.
Use fast-growing, renewable and abundant materials
Use materials which can be reused, reprocessed, recycled or composted at the end of life rather than ending up in landfill
Design for disassembly (easy to take apart at end of life)
Encourage renewable energy systems
Use no toxic processes or chemicals
Use no petro-plastics
Replicate globally to maximise impacts
Comfort and Health
Create excellent air quality
Create steady indoor temperatures with smart materials (warm in winter, cool in summer)
Create steady humidity with smart materials (no condensation, no mould - our smart IndiBreathe system passively regulates temperature and humidity)
Remove toxic Volatile Organic Compounds off-gassing into buildings
Reduce pulmonary risks indoors (e.g. black mould, dust, asthma)
Make materials healthy for builders and electricians to handle, cut and install - no carcinogenic dusts, no lung or skin irritations
Community Impacts
Reduce risks of fuel poverty by providing affordable, healthy and high-performing building systems for all
Offer local manufacturing, distribution and agricultural supply chain jobs
Locate production facilities in areas in need of regeneration
Revive historic textile industries and traditional crops
Establishing a closed-loop self-sustaining circular economy
Become a B-Corp company upholding social values
Replicate globally to maximise impacts