Material innovators in the circular bio-economy
IndiNature’s market-ready construction insulation products have been developed on the back of continuing research – exploring new developments in plant-based biotechnologies and combining these with traditional industrial crops and byproducts.
While the subsidiary Hempworks factory in the Scottish Borders will be manufacturing construction products on scale, the parent company based in Edinburgh continues with materials innovation – including partnership working with private labs and collaborative research projects with universities.
There are some extremely exciting developments happening globally as new bio-based materials scale up to replace petrochemical based plastics – including the use of agricultural waste and byproducts. IndiNature is a leader in the Circular Bio-Economy field.
Aside from IndiTherm® and IndiBoard® the company has developed a range of other 100% bio-based materials with endless potential for commercial applications – all with the ability to make a healthier planet.